“Your Legal Buzz” with Camille Wilson from Wilson Dutra

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Each week on “Your Legal Buzz” our host Tiffany Howard talks to attorneys in the North Florida area who are making a difference. This week she sat down with Camille Wilson from Wilson Dutra.

Wilson Dutra is a virtual law firm based out of Jacksonville, FL with two attorneys who enjoy collaborating with inventors and empowering innovators.

To learn more, visit https://wilsondutra.com.

Why did you choose to go into law?: When I was in engineering school, I saw a need to interpret highly technical language from other engineers and translate and connect for business purposes. I knew I could do that. That led me to patent law. Since we are passionate about working with out clients to fully support their dreams through protecting intellectual property, we decided to provide trademark and patent services.

What is your specific field of law?: Patents and Trademarks

How do you set yourself apart from other firms in the area?: Our focus on fun! (not common in any area of law) Also, our firm is specifically tailored to work with startups and entrepreneurs. We are very accessible with clients or prospective clients without having to worry about billable hours.

What do you see as the greatest challenges in your practice?: Avoiding the tyranny of the urgent, while balancing the needs of our clients, our team, and our business.

What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment as an attorney?: Creating a firm that we would be excited to work in and empowering and educating the community that legal protection is possible and accessible.

How do you stay connected to your community? Are you involved in any local organizations?: Pre-COVID, we attended every networking event in Jacksonville even remotely related to startups, entreps, and tech. We also did talks all the time, particularly to underserved community, who are often overlooked. Now, we do a lot of online and virtual talks. We also network digitally almost daily.

What advice would you give someone considering going to law school?: Going to law school may broaden your career options, but don’t assume that you are going to be instantly successful or thrive more as an attorney. Being an effective lawyer takes a lot of time and effort. It also comes with the responsibility to take care of others, which should never be taken lightly.

Brief description of what would you like to discuss on the show: Depending on who the target audience is, we could talk about how to run a fun and fulfilling law firm. We could also talk about the basics of intellectual property or how to work with startups and entrepreneurs.

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