“Ask the Attorney” with Devon Williamson from DevonLaw, PLLC

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Each week on “Ask The Attorney”, Alex Alexander talks with attorneys from around the area to ask the important questions. Today, Alex sat down with Devon Williamson from DevonLaw, PLLC.

To learn more check out https://www.devonlawtn.com.

Who is your typical client?:

Typically, it is someone who got into a car accident, was not at fault, and got seriously injured as a result of the wreck.

What is your approach or philosophy to winning or representing a case?:

I take on cases with the utmost care for the client and the client’s circumstances. I pride myself as an attorney who genuinely cares and leads with heart. This is because an attorney who genuinely cares about a client’s case will have regular communication with their client, be aggressive in court when needed, and always should know the law and the facts of the case inside and out from their extensive preparation.

What is one misconception that you feel people may have about your firm?:

I was taught that lawyers should be unemotional and business-like when dealing with clients. From my perspective, nothing could be farther from the truth. Lawyers need to be compassionate but also passionate about their case and their client. As a young lawyer, I had been told to “stop acting so emotional” or to be more stoic in court. Ironically, my most successful and rewarding trials have been when I envision myself in my clients’ shoes and bring emotion and life to their stories. In my opinion, “caring” is not the same as being “overly emotional,” but the two words have oftentimes been compared to one another.

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